Our Family Advocacy Coaching & Support (FACS) program is our way of empowering families with tools and resources to navigate the special education road they will be navigating. Check back soon for more info!
— Nelson Mandela
To reach the families that might be unfamiliar with the process of
accessing services and may not know where to get the help, we are
partnering with local play spaces, developmental pediatricians, and
daycare centers to provide information and info sessions where
these families can access them.
We translate all materials into multiple languages to ensure no language barriers and provide translation services to support them in communicating with service providers and to help them understand the information provided. The only way for families to overcome the fear of being judged or misunderstood by others in their community is by working with others from their community.
We provide “peer-family mentors” of other Bronx families who have undergone the same process. To support our families in overcoming financial barriers, we have partnered with local Bronx banks to provide no-cost financial support and counseling.
Our five-module program covers what the familieswill need to advocate for their children all the way through toadulthood.
Limited tour spots are available, and enrollment is on a rolling basis for March. Secure your spot today to check out our specialized early childhood behavioral therapy program!
Hay cupos limitados disponibles para la visita y la inscripción es continua para marzo. ¡Reserve su lugar hoy para conocer nuestro programa especializado de terapia conductual para la primera infancia!